Again magFlags elates the fans of vintage cars -this time with a stand on the RetroClassics 2009 in Stuttgart, Germany.
Besides the enthusiasts of the historic vehicles also offerers of wedding and sepultural drives feel adressed by the magnetic flag poles.
They especially envince interest on the offer of motive drawn and individual printed flags.
Photo (Claudia Schimkowski): CEO Matthias Jaekle presents his products to a customer.
To the turn of the year the partnership changed it's name into magFlags GmbH. Apart from that everything remains unaffected:
Matthias Jaekle as CEO continues taking care of all issues and also the domicile of the manufacturer of magnetic flag poles stays the Swabian Winterbach, Germany.

magFlags exhibits at a fair for the first time and presents itself with a stand on the Veterama 2008 in Mannheim, Germany.
The fans of vintage cars are hooked about the magnetic flag poles. Finitely there exists a possibility to show the flags without drilling into the valuable vehicles.