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Driving with car flags

Whether actual pro-Germany publicity campaigns or the upcoming FIFA soccer worldcup 2006 in Germany: flag presenting is "in" once again.

While cars, cleaved with colourful labels, get out of fashion, flagged fenders attract a lot of attention. Until now these flags were just shown on state coaches. On and everybody can now order individual car flags. Individual flags displayed on the own car offer the opportunity to show national pride and to present sports- and association emblems or company logos. Delivery services, wedding coaches and taxicabs displayed with colours catch attention immediately. In short: an innovative idea for advertising efforts to attract attention. The mounting of the car flag is easy, because of the magnetically adhesived flag pole. After demounting of the car flag there will be no traces left on the car. Basically the flags can be mounted on every steel sheet car body. Entrepreneur Matthias Jaekle visioned the business idea and developed a whole new way of advertising for himself and his customers as well.



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