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Technical Data of our magnetically adhesive car flag pole

Total height: 37 cm (14.57 inch / 1.21 feet)

Height magnet: 0,85 cm (0.33 inch / 0.2 feet)
Height link: 6,1 cm (2.4 inch / 0.2 feet)
Height pole: 28 cm (11.02 inch / 0.92 feet)

Diameter magnet: 8,8 cm (3.46 inch / 0.29 feet)
Diameter link: 1,8 cm (0.71 inch / 0.06 feet)
Diameter pole: 0,6 cm (0.24 inch / 0.02 feet)
Diameter ball: 2,5 cm (0.98 inch / 0.08 feet)

Maximal excursion of the link from it´s upright position: approx. 45°

Material of the link and the leverage: stainless steel, 1.4301, polished / trovalized

Material magnet: NdFeB, bonded with Sontoprene, wich texture is like rubber. For this reason, our car flags are excellent suitable for outdoor actions.

Maximal temprature: 80°C / 176°F

Nominal adhesive force of the magnet: 420N, please notice these following advices:

This adhesive force was collected at room temprature on a polished plate made of steel (S235JR according to DIN 10 025) with a strenght of 10mm, with an upright pull-off of the magnet (1kg ~10N). A deviation up to -10% against the quoted value is possible in exceptional cases. In general these values get exceeded.

Please notice, that car plates are considerable thinner, couted and not complete plane. For this reason the adhesive force under real circumstances conducts just a fractional amount of the adhesive force, which was produced in the trial.


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