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PR: Diplomate flags - a first-class driving experience for the upcoming soccer worldcup

Stuttgart/Winterbach (csc): The boom of black-red-golden car flags is probably on of the big surprises of this soccer worldcup. There are few cars without weaving flags these days. The purchase of these little plastic flags has become more and more exhausting for the soccer fans. In the meantime, soccer fans assembly and fasten everything that might looks like a flag on theire cars. The answer to this problem ist easy and the flag shortage all over Germany is no problem for and

"We usually provide diplomate coaches with our first class flags and are supplyer for ambassadors and other important people all over the world." says Matthias Jaekle, general manager of "Therefore, we dispatch our german national flags including flag poles on the same day as the arrival of the order. Of course, also during the time of the soccer worldcup." Reliabilty and top quality are the main topics for Matthias Jaekle.

Jaekle´s premium german national flags are provided with flag poles made of stainless steel and communicate a special driving and fan experience.

While plastic flags and kludges often can´t stand paces over 60km/h, the first-class diplomate flags stay put at paces up to 100km/h, according to the strong magnet, which holds the flags in place.

Further more, Matthias Jaekle pointed out, that not just german national flags were available on time, to celebrate the remaining soccer worldcup matches.


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