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Today the new issue of the Playboy was published and it contained an article about our car flags.

At 6:30 a.m. I woke due to a phone call. A potential customer told me, that he had just bought the new issue of the Playboy and read about the new car flags. He told me also, that he needs some of our new car flags immediately.

Great! Why don´t read more people the Playboy at this time of the day and order car flags afterwards?

At 10 a.m. at the gas station, where I bought 2 Playboys, the salesclerk regarded me with a frown, when I asked for a receipt and told him that I could set it off against tax liability. But whatever... My car flags had just been published 250.000 times in one of the most popular glossys. That´s the way it´s supposed to be....

And the Playboy says:


Are you Germany? Yes, but just with standard at your car....


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